3 Steps to Actualize Any Manifestation

3 Steps to Actualize Any Manifestation

written by Global Glam November 9, 2021

“You are what your deep, driving desire is; as your desire is, so is your will; as your will is, so is your deed; as your deed is, so is your destiny.” – Brihadaranyaka Upanishad

You may, at times, wonder: Is manifesting real? The process by which aspirational thoughts become actualized things.

It’s been said that it is possible to achieve your manifestation in just a month. Let’s find out if that’s true by participating in the following 30-day manifestation challenge. All you’ll have to do is to implement the following three-step process. Ready?

Step One: Write Down Your Manifestation

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

Get a journal. Pick one manifestation/goal and write it down. Writing down your manifestation strengthens your focus and provides short-term motivation and anticipation. After you write your manifestation down, close your eyes and visualize that manifestation as being completed in your mind’s eye. Write at the end of the description of your manifestation: “I am truly grateful for [insert whatever your manifestation is].”

Step Two: Act As If

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

It’s universal law: what you think and feel, you create. Your feelings and thoughts (beliefs) when fused together and in sync, are the driving factors behind any manifestation. When your belief about your manifestation is completely integrated with a feeling that it’s already done, your manifestation must manifest. It’s cosmic law.  So, embrace the feeling that you’ve already achieved your manifestation. Bask in it! Bask in it some more, and then some more. Revel in the feeling that you’ve already accomplished this manifestation. Act as if it’s done. How do you feel? How does it resonate in your body? Use emotional descriptive words, and write them down in your journal.

When your heart and mind are fused together, your body seamlessly follows (i.e. inspired action occurs). This winning trifecta (a powerful fusion of the body, mind and soul) will leave no space for doubt to hinder your manifestation.

You may want to buy something to keep you inspired; that represents your manifestation; that reminds you to keep doing Step Two on a daily basis. Perhaps a dream catcher shimmering with crystals? (See Etsy shop below). If you don’t want to purchase any items, perhaps, take a screenshot of one of the items (or one of your favorite items) and make that image a screen saver on your computer (and then share the artist’s work on social media platforms). Creating abundance for others will keep your manifesting vibration high, and you’ll soon experience that infinite blessings harmoniously exist for you, as well as for others.

Step Three: Repeat Steps One and Two

Repeat the above two steps every day for a month.

You’ll soon discover how to think, feel and act in alignment with the energy of the cosmos, allowing good things to flow to you naturally. As stated above, what you believe and feel is what you will manifest. So, now that you know this, why not deliberately create your future? And if you decide to do so, you’ll become so skillful at manufacturing momentum and building upon such momentum that you’ll create one success after another.

One easy way to begin creating momentum is simply doing things that you enjoy. However, you’ll need to do such pleasurable things not to induce the manifestation, but “just because” they make you feel ALIVE in the moment while doing them.

As Thoreau said: live deep and suck out all the marrow of life. And to adopt Thoreau’s approach, you’ll need to start by living in the moment. It’s in the NOW where all your power lies to be harnessed by you and you only. Want some easy-breezy examples as to how to live in the moment? Keep reading.

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

To aid you in feeling good, play with your dogs.

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

If you don’t have dogs, simply listen to your favorite musician. Music raises your manifesting vibration.

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

Read inspirational materials. If great things have happened to others, they can happen to you!

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

Smile (with your heart as well). It’s free to do so and also elevates others.

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

Paint your future in your mind’s eye as you see fit. As Einstein said: Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.

Art by Patricia Liu

Art by Patricia Liu

Meditate and bask in who you are. Your authentic self has your back. Always.

Have you got your manifestation written down? Are you reveling in its already being manifested, and how that makes you feel? If so, your next 30 days will be a month of magical momentum and manifestation for you.


By Suzanne Dooley


All artwork by Patricia Liu: https://liuapatricia.wixsite.com/mysite

Website for Liu’s Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/celadawnstudio


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