With love to all the wicked women, and the men who understand them. — Angelina
Leading up to her premier of her new movie, Disney Franchise Maleficent II-Mistress of Evil, Angelina pens a piece in Elle Magazine’s September Issue discussing why the world needs wicked women. She explains, certain women could be accused of witchcraft if they stand up for human rights, for speaking their mind on politics or religion, for dressing differently, if they run for political office, or for having an independent sex life. She says, “I could have been burnt at the stake many times over for simply being myself”.
“‘Wicked Women’ are just women who are tired of injustice and abuse. Women who refuse to follow rules and codes they don’t believe are best for themselves or their families.” – Angelina Jolie, Elle Magazine September 2019 Issue.

Angelina even references both biblical and historical times – with a nod to Joan of Arc, as she pens: “In the past, the Old Testament command “Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live” was taken literally. Tens of thousands of people were executed for maleficia, the alleged crime of evil deeds through magic, from the witch hunts in Europe to the Salem trials in America. The vast majority of these were women. The accusation of witchcraft has been used to control and silence women in almost all societies and in every century. Joan of Arc was put to death by fire in fifteenth-century France for idolatry and heresy, including wearing men’s clothing. The initial charges against her included witchcraft, and she was accused of dancing near a fairy tree at night—textbook witchy behavior”.

She recalls her times in her 20’s when she traveled the world to poverty and human rights stricken places in which she discovered her purpose. “I was in my twenties, meeting refugees in Sierra Leone during the closing stages of a brutal civil war. I understood for the first time the level of violence that exists in the world, and the reality of life for the millions of people affected by conflict and displacement. And I discovered my life’s work and purpose”.
She also tells us a story on a loving couple and husband she met and was inspired by:
She also tells us a story on a loving couple and husband she met and was inspired by “I think of a Syrian husband I met whose wife became paralyzed after she was shot in the spine by a sniper. They were living in a refugee camp, with no possessions and nowhere to go, but I do not think I have ever seen a more loving couple or devoted husband.”
She also gives us a glimpse into her own little men she is raising “I could not be prouder of my sons for the men they are becoming, the way they respect their sisters and are respected by them”. And as far as advise to her daughters, she tells them, “I often tell my daughters that the most important thing they can do is to develop their minds. You can always put on a pretty dress, but it doesn’t matter what you wear on the outside if your mind isn’t strong. There is nothing more attractive—you might even say enchanting—than a woman with an independent will and her own opinions”.

She says, “Looked at in this light, “wicked women” are just women who are tired of injustice and abuse. Women who refuse to follow rules and codes they don’t believe are best for themselves or their families. Women who won’t give up on their voice and rights, even at the risk of death or imprisonment or rejection by their families and communities. If that is wickedness, then the world needs more wicked women”. -Angelina Jolie

I love that she is standing up for women who are seen as a bit different. I also didn’t know she owns her own plane and can fly, that’s awesome!
I love this article. She is paving the way ❤️❤️❤️
I think the work she does giving a voice to those who are in heard is so admirable. And I love supporting wicked women. 😀
A great actress… Angelina Jolie! I admire her for her work & also believe in fighting for what one truly believes in.
I am going to have to read her article. I love all the advocacy work she does.
Admittedly she isn’t one of my favorites but I think shes amazing for doing things her way. What an interesting read!
She is amazing but I dont read that much about her though, reading this it shows how great she it and how women can be and do independently.
I love her quote, ” You can always put on a pretty dress, but it doesn’t matter what you wear on the outside if your mind isn’t strong”. This is so true and I believe it mental health is so important.
This shows her in a great way. I don’t read much about her normally. Admittedly, I don’t read much about famous people at all. Glad to read that she has so many great qualities.
Angeline Jolie is such a nice role model! She is not beautiful outside but inside. I love what is she doing for a better world