Forget the standard Bordeaux or Sauvignon Blanc, the tables of the wine industry have turned – and so has the color.
By Kayla McEwen

Gik Blue Wine
The reason that this unusual wine is receiving so much attention is because of the striking blue hue. The creators of GikLive, the blue wine maker, wanted to do something unique, natural, and innovative. Gik’s wine comes from different Spanish and French vineyards, whose grapes they transform into Gïk. They work with grapes from different areas of Europe, whose color and flavor Gik improves through food tech. The wineries are located mainly in La Rioja, Zaragoza and Courthézon.

Gik Blue Wine
In coming up with the concept, the company wanted to do something radical based off of the book “The Blue Ocean Strategy”. In the book, it discusses that there are two types of oceans; the first being red oceans which are filled with sharks that have caused so much aquatic bloodshed that the water is tinted red. Then there are the more peaceful blue oceans in which the fish swim freely with no competition. From this concept Gik developed their theory of transforming a red ocean into a blue one, and thus GikLive was born.

Gik Blue Wine
The technology used is interesting. Gïk is produced through a pigmentation process. First, a base is created from a mixture of white and red grapes, which is then added to two organic pigments; indigo and anthocyanin – which comes from the very skin of the grapes used to make wine.
The product itself was made for individuals with a sweeter palette despite it containing no added sugar. You heard us right- no added sugar! This takes away excess fats and carbs by using a calorie free substitute sweetener. The entire process is regulated and approved by the European Food Safety Authority, making it safe to drink and enjoy. Each bottle has an alcohol content of 11.5% and is advised to be ingested responsibly. This fun, gem colored beverage can spice up your next get-together one bottle at a time.
You can pre-order your blue wine here.
Photography courtesy of GikLive