Some topics need to be discussed and are more serious than others. Depending on how comfortable and serious you two are, here are some must-needed, inevitable conversations to have with each other. Word to the wise: having these discussions might surely lead to disagreements and arguments- it is up to both of you to have fun with it, remain calm, and be open minded while having these conversations. Remember, “To err is human, to forgive divine” -Alexander Pope.

What Are Some Good Conversations To Have With Your Partner?
Get the fetishes, boundaries, and expectations out in the open. Make it saucy to spice it up.
Being a Team
Discuss how you will always respect and have each other’s back- no matter the circumstances.

What Are Some Good Conversations To Have With Your Partner?
Weird & Excessive Habits
Is your partner constantly posting selfies on Instagram? Does your partner smoke? How about drink excessively? Gamble excessively? Eat junk excessively? Watch TV excessively? Consider if this is acceptable or a deal breaker in the future.

Selfies Out Of Control
How you will Build a future Empire Together
Speaking of team, talk about how you can push each other to become better people mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically.
If you are not the same religion, and if it is an important factor- would you accept the other’s beliefs? Would you participate in their methods of worship or would you be supportive?
It’s a good idea to discuss the idea of having kids, how many many kids you would like, and how to ideally raise them. Make it fun by discussing names you’ve always liked.
Talk about each other’s financial situation including debts, expenses, short and long term financial goals, the idea of joint accounts, who would contribute to what, and how much.
Talk about each other’s career paths, and plan B’s should there be one.
Boundaries of the Opposite Sex
What constitutes flirting? What will you will not approve of?
What are each of your ideal vacation spots? Do you prefer the city, while the other prefers the beach?
Would you both like to work out together? What are some fitness and health goals? Do you have the attitude: “If we take care of ourselves- we expect our lover too”
Sharing Home Responsibilities
Gone are the days where housework was only the woman’s job. With women working and contributing to the financial pot, it is wise to share and discuss chores. “You like to cook? Great, I love to eat- I”ll help you load the dishwasher”.
In-laws and Family Members
This is a fun one. Discuss expectations and idiosyncrasies of certain family members so no one is in for a surprise.

“There is some family drama you need to know about”
Who Are Some Role Models?
Who are both of your icons and people you look up to, inspire you?
Talk about health goals as any health concerns that may run in the family.
Location and Primary Residences
Where do you both ideally want to live? Where do your families live?
Weekend planning
What are your ideas of things to do together on the weekend?
Volunteer efforts and charities
What greater good are you each passionate about?
Home Style
Are you more modern, while the other likes victorian aesthetics?
Honesty & Loyalty
Talk about the importance of each. Choose honesty above all.
What Riles up Anger in Both of You
Discuss what really ticks and pisses you off.
What is stressing the both of you now? How can you support each other to overcome hardships?
Discuss what you each are grateful for. This should be a discussion every day.
What makes the two of you happy?
“It’s good to be loved, but its profound to be understood.” -Ellen and Portia. The important thing is to truly understand your lover’s intentions because words and texts can sometimes get lost through translation.
Yes to every single one of these! My husband and I had a lot of these conversations while we were dating, some after being engaged, and some are continuous conversations that are good to discuss now and then since we all change as we age.
I think these are very important points. A lot of people don’t bring these up when dating and it can lead to issues later on. Thanks for starting the conversation!
those are all really good talking points. It’s important to talk with your partner all the time!
I think these are really great tips, being a team is very important. Although we might disagree on certain things it’s always best to have an honest talk and respect each other opinion.
These are great topics to discuss and they are forever changing as we get older. Communication is the biggest part of relationships. Thank you for sharing.
Great list. I may use these on our next date night. 🙂
Awesome list. I think that is important to talk about your partner about all the topics. You need to be able to feel comfortable talking about these kind of staff. In my opinion, communication and trust are key to successful relationship. When my partner and me decided to have real relationship we have put our cards on the table and talked through. Maybe that’s the reason why we get along so well.
It’s so interesting to me how many of my friends didn’t have a lot of these conversations until years after they were married and kids had come. It’s so important to be open and honest early on in a relationship. Great list.
I agree with all of these! You need to be open and honest early on in a relationship for things to work. No point in hiding something, and learning about it later when it could be make it or break it.
This takes me back to the conversations my husband and I had while we were dating! It’s good to ask these questions after being together for a few months so you have an idea of what the future will be like for you both.