The Real Vote

Melania Trump
By: Mohendra Dinnanauth
First spouses are sometimes memorable in that they can stand for great causes and achieve great accomplishments, all while bringing glitz and glamour at the same time. I say ‘sometimes’ because let’s face it, there are a ton that haven’t done anything spectacular and quite frankly, we just don’t remember them because they were ‘eh’ or just there’, to sound politically correct (no pun intended).
Here are a some of the special few most of us remember: Nancy Reagan was a Hollywood star in her earlier days and presented herself beautifully. We all know the impact Jackie Kennedy made in the fashion and beauty industry- that’s a no brainer (#valentino), she was also well spoken. Hillary Clinton was ambitious and a go-getter with an intimidating personality. Rosalyn Carter and Laura Bush presented themselves as pristine, elegant, and well kept. Michelle Obama has done a marvelous job in becoming one of the most well dressed women in the world, bringing style and glamour in the Whitehouse and making impacting key note speeches, not to mention having graduated from Harvard.
It’s now election season America, and this November we will all perform our duties as citizens and vote for the next President of the United States of America. But in reality, we are voting for two people, the President, and the person who will stand behind our beloved them, the First Lady, or be it, First Man. The first spouse is not often examined thoroughly, and isn’t criticized as mush as the candidates themselves.
Why don’t we take a closer look at who our potential first spouses will be. After all, the first spouse may not have any legal power, but they definitely have a strong influence. Here are the possibilities:
Melania Trump
Designers, magazines, and the tabloids will love Melania Trump as a first lady. Proud wife of Donald Trump, she is a jewelry/watch designer and a former model who speaks 4 languages. She is typically silent about her husband’s campaign and policies, except for the support she shows for her husband. While Melania Trump may be the traditional photo perfect first lady, we are hoping that she becomes a woman that stands for great causes, and empowers woman if Donald gets elected. We also can’t wait to see her style as a possible first lady.
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton may be the first male to take the office that is traditionally known as the first lady. If Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is elected into office, hopefully they’ll refer to Bill Clinton as the first man and not the first lady; but no matter what he’s called, he won’t be the traditional first lady. Bill Clinton would also be the first to have previous White House experience, I’m sure that Hillary and Bill will be exchanging tips on being the President and being the first spouse. With his experience and political background, it’s almost certain that Bill Clinton would transform the duties of the first spouse from being a simple photo opportunity to a position of influence and unspoken power.
Jane O’Meara Sanders
Bill Clinton is not the only first spouse running with political experience, Jane O’Meara Sanders, the wife of Senator Bernie Sanders, holds a PHD, is politically active and is the former President of a university. Jane O’Meara Sanders is not only the wife of Senator Sanders, but she is also his closest political advisor, so close, that her desk is right to his in their campaign office. Jane O’Meara Sanders would also prove to be an untraditional first spouse who would use her office more for political actions rather than photo shoots; and untraditional first lady for an untraditional Presidential candidate.
Heidi Cruz
Heidi Cruz, wife of Ted Cruz, is an investment banker at Goldman Sachs. Heidi Cruz has no political background herself and isn’t found in the spotlight much. She has done few interviews and does not speak out much. Heidi Cruz would most likely turn out to be the traditional first lady that we’re used to seeing. She’ll probably have a special cause that she’ll promote when she’s not making sure the White House is ready for special guests and even more special parties.
Before you pull the lever this November, consider whom you want as the leader of the free world and who you would like to see at their side.
Photography above of Melania Trump from Lower Manhattan Real Estate.