What The Heck Does “Flying” Mean Right Now Post Pandemic

What The Heck Does “Flying” Mean Right Now Post Pandemic

written by Global Glam June 15, 2021

It’s fair to say that the last year and a half has looked a lot…different than we initially predicted. From the way we shop to the way we work, pretty much every routine we have in our lives has been disrupted. Now that we’re slowly easing our way back to a “new normal”, traveling is one of the first things people are flocking back to. So what does the current state of traveling look like right now? 


For the foreseeable future, many airlines will be waiving change fees as well as fare changes. Right now the majority of airlines are still struggling to make up for losses they faced since the beginning of the pandemic. In comparison to 2019, U.S. airlines dropped almost 50% in total revenue during 2020. Since flights can get canceled or rearranged on the drop of a hat these days, U.S. airlines are trying to maintain customers as much as they can with flexible ticket options. 

Masked-Up & Vaxxed

Masks are still required on flights, even if you are fully vaccinated (we’re looking at you Karen). Depending on the country, if you are fully vaccinated you will not be required to do a compulsory quarantine upon arrival in the country, and in some cases will not be required to show proof of being Covid-19 negative pre-flight.

Best Behavior

Now that the TSA has been deputized to step in whenever necessary, it is much easier for rowdy or annoying passengers to get kicked off the plane. Airlines are still enforcing mask-wearing mandates, regardless of vaccination status, and are less accommodating to troublemakers than they were pre-pandemic.

Be Cautious

For the time being, anyone going off an international flight on an U.S. airline will need to show proof that they tested negative for Covid-19, ensuring that everyone you board with will be relatively safe. However, there still remains the matter for when you’re actually in the country you’re traveling to. For instance, U.S travelers are being advised not to travel to Japan right now due to the current influx of cases; just a few short months before the beginning of the Summer Olympics. Not to mention, even if you are fully vaccinated, your vaccine will give you protection against your country’s strain of the Covid-19 virus. 

Remember that while we are slowly heading towards a “new normal”, things may never completely go back to the way they were. Be prepared to get used to a new reality of traveling.



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